NICHE Coordinator Boot camp
Unlock Your Potential As A NICHE Coordinator!
This one-day class is offered to existing NICHE member sites that have newly
appointed coordinators. The target audience for this class is advanced practice nurses,
professional development specialists, nursing quality managers, unit managers or other clinical
leaders who are responsible for leading the implementation of the NICHE Practice Model in their
organizations. The NICHE Coordinator serves as the formal leader and manager of NICHE
activities to advance geriatric nursing excellence at the organizational level.
The purpose of the NICHE Coordinator Boot Camp is to prepare nurses who are new to serving
in this role to lead and manage clinical quality improvement efforts to gain full benefits of the
NICHE practice model to develop staff and organizational competencies in care of older adults.
During the day long boot camp, you will learn more about the NICHE coordinator role and
responsibilities, complete a gap analysis and draft an action plan to assume leadership of your
organization’s NICHE Program activities.
In the NICHE Coordinator Boot camp, you will learn to:
1) Describe the four components of the NICHE Practice Model and how they support
improved performance on the nurse-sensitive and geriatric quality indicators for adults
aged 65 and older.
2) Align the specifications of the NICHE Coordinator role and responsibilities to your
organizational context.
3) Describe the eight domains of the NICHE Implementation Model to develop systems,
structures and processes that support clinical excellence in geriatric nursing in healthcare
delivery settings.
4) Examine best practices to lead quality improvement initiatives and grow a robust NICHE
Program in your organization.
5) Know how to access member benefits and resources on an ongoing basis to support
NICHE program implementation activities.
This program will provide 5.75 nursing continuing professional development
(NCPD) contact hours. To receive nursing continuing professional development contact hours
participants must attend all five sessions of the day-long class, complete the in class activities
and a short course evaluation questionnaire.
The NYU Meyers Center for Nursing Continuing Professional Development is accredited as a
provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing
Center Commission on Accreditation.
Karen M. Mack DNP, MBA, APRN, Director of Programs and Mattia J. Gilmartin
PhD, RN, FAAN, Executive Director.
The NICHE Coordinator Boot camp will be held on September 12, 2024,
January 23, 2025 and May 1, 2025
Location: Virtual Sessions via Zoom
Fees: $1,650
Download the Program One-Sheet
If you have any questions please consult our FAQ page, or contact support@nicheprogram.org.